Shrubs & Hedges
How to Plant Flowering Shrubs
What are the Most Popular Flowering Shrubs?
Some of the most common Flowering Shrubs include Hydrangeas, Snowball Bushes, Encore Azaleas and Knock Out Roses.
These shrubs can be incorporated into foundation plantings dominated by evergreens or can be set off separately in plantings or mixed borders. Flowering Shrubs benefit from a yearly slow release fertilization, which can be done in the early spring for optimal nutrition and new growth. And if you must prune your flowering shrub, it is suggested that you prune right after it blooms. This gives the shrub adequate time to establish new blooms for the following year and it will also make the shrub look fuller as it grows back.
How to Plant Flowering Shrubs
Flowering Shrubs are easily stressed by transplanting, so be prepared for your new shrub to bloom sparsely or not at all the first season. It is not necessary to deadhead the shrub (remove of dead blooms), but if you decide to, it will help to produce more blooms for a longer period of time.
When planting Flowering Shrubs, choose a place in your yard where your shrubs have the best chance to thrive. Some of the factors that you must consider in picking a site for your shrubs are how much sun the area in question gets per day, how well does the area drain water and is the area big enough to accommodate the growth of your shrubs.
Once you have chosen the best spot for your shrubs, begin by digging a hole twice the size of the root ball.
Place your shrub in the prepared hole, fill in with dirt and tamp the dirt down around the shrubs.